Loaves & Fishes, a non profit founded 1983 to assist neighbors in need, serves the communities of Ayer, Devens, Groton, Harvard, Littleton and Shirley.
When Loaves & Fishes, located at 34 Barnum Road in Devens, needed to renovate and expand their facility, they came to Omni to assist in the process of planning and implementing these changes.
Omni engaged the services of the general contractor, architect and others to bring the project in on time and on budget.
As a result, Omni was awarded the “Outstanding Community Partner” by Loaves & Fishes in 2018.
Loaves & Fishes plans summer renovations (2018, June 18). Retrieved from https://www.harvardpress.com/News/Area-Announcements/ArtMID/4534/ArticleID/17277/Loaves-Fishes-plans-summer-renovations